Brand Identity and Positioning
At Auctionata, I worked with the marketing team and agencies to create Auctionata’s brand identity and positioning. Our strategy for creating a visual identity relied on the strength of the word “Auctionata”; the word is the identity. We connected that word with a powerful visual expression that gave it character, distinction, and emotion.

Auctionata Brand Pyramid
A brand pyramid was developed to create uniformity among the vision, unique selling propostion, mission, brand proposition, brand personality, brand values and tagline.

Visual and verbal identity were explored and the brand color, typography, wordmark, pictograms and monograms were developed.

Auctionata went through a rebranding during the launch of the U.S. operations. This included rethinking the visual identity of the wordmark.

A new tagline was developed for the U.S. launch, “SOLD. WITH LOVE”, and was displayed on all advertising.